What is Abundance, Really?
When I talk about abundance, I’m not just using this as another word for “money”.
I’m actually talking about a way of being (with certain thoughts, and actions, flowing from this in turn).
Once you develop a deep understanding of abundance, and start to act in accordance with this understanding, my experience has been that money will indeed flow. But it’s not about striving:
Abundance involves gentle steeping in self-love, and trusting in the (right) process.
We were discussing the roots of the word “abundance” in the Lunar Abundance Salon recently. One of the Salon Sisters, Catherine, noted that the word “abundance” comes from the Latin words:
“unda” ==> “wave”
“ab” and “undare” ==> “from” and “surge”
“abundare” ==> “overflow”
One of the core characteristics of abundance is about being in the “flow” – as fierce as that can be.
In the Salon, many shared that learning the roots of the word “abundance” helped them to better understand that living in abundance is to live in the overflow, and that the Lunar Abundance practice helps to ride the surging waves of life, to know that abundance is about receiving energy and joy and love, and it’s also about sharing the good vibes from this overflow with others.
Perfectly put 🙂
Money is a tangible expression of energy that flows- and is perhaps the most obvious one when we speak about abundance. But money is not the only way that this flow of energy expresses itself.
Personally, I have moved from a struggling/grasping mindset (where on a subconscious level, I believed that life had to be hard, and kept myself small through guilt and fear), to a situation where I am increasingly being invited to gracefully receive increasing amounts of attention and opportunity in all areas of my life.
When you develop a true abundance mindset, you will find that when living in this type of flow, there’s actually an abundance of everything in your life- connection, job offers, clients- and even romantic interest 😉
Most of all, there is an abundance of opportunity.
Those are the effects, then, of living in an abundant way.
On the surface, abundance may look like a bank balance with several zeroes, and that *may* be an indicator of abundance, but it’s not what it is really about. I’m increasingly understanding that abundance is a way of living.
When I mean is that abundance is more of a mindset, a way of being – and, importantly, acting and behaving in a way that is informed by this perception – than it is about external markers.
Most of all, abundance involves a deep knowing that everything is OK. Living in abundance means that you fully internalise this knowing.
(knowing not that it will be okay, but that it is okay).
Abundance is about knowing that the Earth is a constantly replenishing place. And abundance means that you are able to hold tangible expressions of abundant energy- like money.
That involves having discernment to not just purchase another thing, making an “investment” without properly researching it because others tell you it is a good idea, or fritter it away on a myriad of random things that you don’t even pay attention to or notice until it is gone.
In other words, squandering is not part of a true abundance mindset.
Hoarding isn’t either- enjoying and wisely investing your money is essential.
And again, money is not the whole picture.
Money may come, but this is an indicator of abundance, rather than a synonym.
Having money in the bank does not necessarily mean that you have an abundant mindset. It’s a familiar story: becoming cashed up, and then promptly spending that cash or making dubious or unthinking investments {yes, I’ve been there- a story for another day}, or transferring anxiety about making money into anxiety about keeping that money {or making more}.
Abundance precedes money but it is about much, much more than money.
Abundance is about freeing yourself from anxiety about what you don’t have, living in a relaxed way where you know that you will never be “without”, because you have a practice that allows you to live in the overflow, and because you GET the principles that allow you to cultivate more.
Abundance involves being happy, and being well.
Abundance is about peace, as much as about prosperity.
And the best way to cultivate abundance is to practice.
My practice is a super simple one, starting with the New Moon. You can download your free lunar calendar here to get started with the practice.
A deeper practice: The Lunar Abundance Salon is a supportive, active community of women in which I go deeper into my very feminine, abundant living practice: Click here to hear when the Salon doors re-open.
If you know someone else who would benefit from reading this, please share:
Lovely post Ezzie! Love that feeling! Xxx
Me too, Kris 🙂 xx
So beautifully put Ezzie, thanks for sharing! x
So welcome, Kimberley. Thanks for commenting 🙂 xo
Got some big aha’s from this Ezzie! My money mindset has become a big focus for me and I absolutely resonate with how you’ve worded this. It makes so much more sense to me than anything else I’ve read so far. I understand now that it is all about being really mindful with my money and really believing it IS ok. Thank you so much!!
Yes, Vicki, it already IS okay. So happy to read your comment! Thanks for sharing xx
thinking about this a lot lately. so true. and I have been in that mindset you mentioned way to long.
Best thing about it- you can shift that mindset, Katie!
Working with the moon’s cycle is such a lovely, graceful way to do it xo
Really enjoyed reading this, I too know that abundance is not just to do with money, and that thinking it is, is almost superficial. I want to be abundant and overflow into all areas of my life 🙂
And so it is 🙂
I LOVE this so much Ezzie! "Abundance is about peace", since reading this post I’ve decided I’m going to hang out in that energy from here on in I think 😉 Thanks for sharing! X
Oh yes, please do hang out in this energy Tracey. We need more of us here! xx