The Flow is Fierce
At least, the flow CAN be fierce.
So many of us want to be in the flow.
But, what is it? What are we talking about?
There is a bit of a muddle in our language around Flow.
And there’s also a misconception that Flow is Easy.
Quite frankly, it’s not always easy.
Most famously, Csíkszentmihályi has written about the Flow as being a state of full focus & absorption. And yes, that is one type of flow- a mental, creative flow (I am lucky to know and love this flow state- I’ll write more about it later if you’re interested).
But when we are talking about feminine flow, I feel that we’re actually talking about something a little different.
When we talk about flow, what we’re really talking about – or aspiring to – is how to MOVE GRACEFULLY as a WOMAN through LIFE.
How to “Be”.
Moving our awareness out of our HEADS and into our BODIES and feelings.
And I used to find this deeper concept a very, very difficult one to grasp.
See I’d think that I’d be “in the flow” when my life was cruisy, doors opening every which way, and things were just generally working. – And then, BOOM. An area of my life would be in Chaos. I’d become angry, resistant, and wonder:
How could this be???
I thought I had attained this thing called FLOW.
(cue: frustration, feeling like a fraud).
I would resist chaos, beat myself up, etc.
And then, after one-too-many experiences like this, I finally twigged.
Life is complex and multivalent.
Life oscillates.
It goes up, it goes down.
Just like the moon waxes and wanes, sometimes life is easy, and sometimes life brings us challenges.
When life was all cruisy, the money, energy and ideas flowing, my tendency was to think Yeeehha! I’m in the flow! I’m nailing it!
The flipside of this?
When money wasn’t flowing quite as easily, when challenges arose,
I also would internalise THIS.
As in, there’s something wrong with me, this is my fault, I’ve done something wrong. And when you’re thinking like this, you’re not in the flow, my loves.
You’re just reacting to your external circumstances.
Yes, to a degree, your outer world is a manifestation of what is going on for you. But there are also things beyond our control.
Understanding this is to nuance the dance between free will and determinism. This is a more advanced dance, yeh?
To be clear- We are not a victim of our circumstances. We have AGENCY.
However, don’t read this as meaning that it is all within our CONTROL.
We can’t actually control everything, my loves.
You cannot control the hand of cards that you have been dealt in this life.
That has already been dealt.
Not everything that ‘happens’ is our ‘fault’, nor is it our ego’s manifestation.
Life is bigger that this.
Our souls are wiser than this.
But we ALWAYS choose how we play the hand that we have been dealt.
It is in these choices, which we make constantly, that we find a deeper, holistic flow.
I have come to realise that each and every day, I make choices about how to live my life. It’s not always pretty. But I take responsibility for these choices.
It is in taking responsibility for these choices that we start to understand our POWER.
And in the moments when things appear to be chaotic, what I have learnt is that it is important to LEAN IN to the discomfort.
But not just in a masochistic way.
(which, if you are anything like me, my tendencies towards self-flagellation need to be witnessed often and gently loved)
Rather, we can LEAN IN with love. We can make hard choices, and stand by these. We can feel the discomfort and still show up and do our work.
(and still remember to smile, to dance!!).
The flow, my loves, can be fierce.
The feminine? Oh, yeah. She’s most definitely fierce.
But my word, she is the flow.
Living gracefully in the flow is about how you ARE, in every facet of your life.
To be relaxed and open, whether you are uncomfortable or comfortable-
It is this that allows you to be graceful.
Opening to the vicissitudes of life is being in the flow.
And yet still, to have dignity to walk away from the wrong situations, and to open further to the right ones.
To preserve your boundaries requires you to be clear on your purpose.
Being in the flow does not mean being on cruise control and zoning out.
Being in the flow does not mean saying “yes, yes yes” to everyone and everything.
Being in the flow means showing up, and being ever-present, with love- with others, and with yourself, even if that means walking away.
Being in the flow means being “here”, and being clear on who you are.
Being in the flow means knowing – and smiling – at yourself.
Especially when life is fierce.
I teach this sophisticated concept of flow – and the impact that it has on our feminine prosperity – via my experiential Lunar Abundance Salon. The Salon is closed right now, but if you aren’t on my mailing list already, click here to sign up to find out when the Salon re-opens.
And tell me now: Does this article help you reframe the idea of “the flow” ?
Share your revelations below.
Oh my! I read through this entire beautiful post just going ‘yes, yes, yes!’ It was if i have always known this but somehow forgot… like a child forgets where they put their ball. Not lost, just misplaced. I love that flow is everything in it’s entirety. It’s all, the light, the dark, the good, bad etc. This concept really pulls deep at me and sits well within my bones. Thankyou so much for this post, for your words, for being you x x x x x
Aye, Jo. It’s the remembering.
So touched by your beautiful share. Thank you so much xxx
Great article. It never occurred to me that there was a feminine element to flow. Something new to investigate
Interested in your investigations & reflections, Kaushik!
Dear Ezzie,
Thank you for your recent blog. I felt a sense if connection reading your words. I too have blamed myself, thought there was/is something inherently "wrong" with me when I face/faced challenges where circumstances weren’t collaborating as I hoped they would. Now, I believe in divine timing but honestly when it comes to patience mine cupeth not runeth over !!
So, today I am breathing, slowly, gently and moving along with the "flow".
I trust I am guided to where I need to be when I need to be there.
Warmest regards,
Sunny x
Ah, yes. Trust. A challenging one to cultivate, but essential to flow. Thank you for commenting, Sunny xo
Thank you for reminding me to stay flexible and open in life to a greater and wiser ‘flow’. Perfect, Divine timing – my revelation through this post is timely. Broader scale picture always assists and helps me to break down my own tendencies towards self flagellation, but also to assist in where I can do better too. Cheers to an open and intelligent heart, and to wisdom gained through living and flow.
Cheers to your open and intelligent heart, Tahlia!
Yes, this article completely reframed the idea of "flow" for me. I’ve become more and more aware of how masculine my life is and have been called to a more embodied life. That call could not be heard until I started to embrace this new idea of "flow". Thank you for articulating my experience so wonderfully.
Happy to hear this, Jacki 🙂
Love this Ezzie: "Living gracefully in the flow is about how you ARE, in every facet of your life." AWESOME!
Ezzie! You’ve done it again for me. For some reason life has brought me to your posts and now I see why. You are answering the questions that I’ve been asking about girl. Thank you so much for following your soul’s calling, because your soul has called me! At a time that I am most in need of learning how to become in balance and in FLOW. Thank you 🙂