Kate Erlenbusch, Writer, wordlovebykate.com
“It’s no exaggeration to say I’ve been searching for the Lunar Abundance practice most of my life. I’ve always been fascinated by rhythms and systems. At 16 I started tracking the moon, but lacked a way to make it meaningful to my life. By university I was studying women’s rhythms and rituals as part of my anthropology major. To discover a system that made lunar cycles tangible and applicable to a modern woman felt like somewhat of a holy grail.
What I’ve loved most about applying Ezzie’s unique practice is cultivating a healthy framework for abundance and how it relates to my wellbeing. It’s pretty magical actually. Now I know I can expand into my abundance gently, day by day. I’ll be practicing this technique for the rest of my life. It’s that good. Too good not to share. I’m so glad Ezzie decided not to keep this system to herself.”