Emma C
Having separated and divorced and being a single working mum I was at a real low in December and to quote from my own journal I felt “unsettled, insecure, exhausted, no time for me, worried about the future”. With the help of the LA practice I have grown so much as a person. The internal work has been unbelievably enlightening and rewarding and as we look towards the second half of the calendar year I feel like a very different person.
– I feel emotionally stable, secure and more aware of who I really am and what makes me happy
– I feel more content and gaining confidence to follow my own path
– I am learning to be discerning financially and when giving my time to others
– I have realised the importance of self love/care and now have ‘disciplines’ that I know keep me grounded and healthy
– I have accepted that I have a problem with my hearing (premature hearing loss) which has been affecting how I function socially and at work and have sought medical help
– I have a new love in my life who is a good, kind and caring man
– I have received love and support from my closest family members and friends
– I have been given an opportunity at work to take on a project to develop my skills and raise my profile but which takes me out of my comfort zone so a little daunting.
I could go further with the list but these are the highlights. I know I have much more to learn and build upon but what an amazing journey in just 6 months! Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful practice. I am excited about the future.