Lunar Abundance by Ezzie Spencer

Alicia Merritt, Bavaria, Germany

Joining Ezzie’s Lunar Salon has been such an amazing and intriguing experience for me! During my first lunar cycle within the group, I went through the exciting process of interviewing, negotiating and accepting an offer for my dream job. Ezzie’s technique gently nudges us to be more conscious of how the phases of the moon affect our lives & desires and teaches us the right time to either take action or sit back and observe.

Throughout my first month in the group, I have been astounded at how the timing and events of my “new employment process” have coincided, jived and aligned perfectly to the yin and yang phases of the moon. Having knowledge of these phases has helped me identify how I wish to orient myself in a situation in order to manifest my intentions; such as when I had to summon the courage to ask for what I feel is my monetary worth and make a counter offer on my contract (all during a yang phase by the way)! The information that Ezzie is teaching us are life lessons to abundance and it is such a wonderful experience to be a part of this supportive group of warm, talented and loving women!